1. The Organizer of the Competition and the sponsor of the prizes and the entity issuing the prizes in the Competition " AUTUMN COMPETITION WITH ANATAKA FASHION!"  ” is Anataka Sp. z o. o., address for correspondence: ul. Jana Matejki 9, 91-402 Łódź, Poland, entered into the Central Register and Information on Business Activity. The Organizer declares that the Competition is in no way sponsored, supported, managed or associated with the entities that own the social networking site Instagram®. Instagram® is not responsible for this Competition. All questions, comments and complaints and claims related to the Competition should be addressed to the Organizer at the postal address indicated in section 1. In the event that a Participant files a claim, they should be sent to the owner or administrator of the social networking site Instagram at the postal address indicated in section 1. In the event that a Participant files a claim, as a result of which the Organizer incurs any costs, the Organizer will charge the Participant with them, to which the Participant agrees by entering this Competition. The above exemption from liability does not affect the Organizer's liability towards the Participant in connection with his/her participation in the Competition.

3. The competition is not a game of chance within the meaning of the Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 847, as amended). The Organizer is a party making a public promise within the meaning of Article 919 of the Civil Code.

4. The terms used in these Regulations mean:

1) "Competition" - " AUTUMN COMPETITION WITH ANATAKA FASHION!  ” conducted in accordance with the principles set out in these Regulations.

2) "Participant" – a natural person, of full legal age, with full legal capacity or having the consent of a parent/legal guardian to participate in this competition, who registers for participation in the Competition and is bound by the terms of the Regulations (in the case of participation of a minor in the competition, the terms of the competition are binding on the parent/legal guardian).

3) “Winner” – Participant awarded in the Competition.

4) "Regulations" - this document, which defines the rules, scope and conditions under which the Competition takes place.


1. The competition is conducted in Poland via the website

2. The Contest runs from 10/10/2024 to 20/10/2024, 11:59 p.m. (“Duration”).

3. The results of the Contest will be announced on April 10, 2024, at 8:00 p.m.

4. In order to ensure the proper organization and course of the Contest, and in particular to assess the correctness of the Contest entries and to select and choose the Contest Winners, the Organizer will appoint a Contest Committee. The Committee will consist of 3 persons designated by the Organizer. Minutes will be written from the Contest Committee meetings. The Contest Committee makes decisions by a simple majority of votes.


1. The Contest Participant may be an adult natural person with permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland and full legal capacity, excluding the persons referred to in paragraph 4 below, who has their own, active and open account on Instagram.

2. Taking part in this competition is tantamount to expressing the above consents: consent to the provisions of the Regulations and to the processing of personal data for the purposes of carrying out the Competition and acceptance of the competition regulations.

3. The Contest may only be entered in person, i.e. it is not permissible to submit Contest entries on behalf of third parties. In order to participate in the Contest, the Participant may only use their own Instagram profile. Using any other profiles, including in particular fictitious profiles or profiles of other people, is prohibited and constitutes a gross violation of the Regulations and grounds for excluding the Participant from participation in the Contest, along with depriving them of the right to the Prize.

4. The Competition is not open to employees, members of governing bodies and representatives of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the Competition, as well as persons cooperating with the above-mentioned entities on a permanent basis other than an employment relationship and members of their immediate families, i.e. ascendants, descendants, siblings, spouses, parents of spouses and persons in an adoption relationship with them.

5. The Participant may withdraw from the Competition at any time by sending information about withdrawal to the address of the Organizer indicated in § 1 section 1 of the Regulations.

6. Withdrawal from participation in the Competition is tantamount to loss of the right to the Prize.


1. Each participant of the competition is asked to describe in a comment on Instagram the answer to the question: "Which model from the new collection would you wear all fall?"

2. The Competition Participants are identified by the Organizer based on their Instagram account.

3. The Competition Jury will select the Winners based on the creativity and originality of the competition entry.

4. Comments posted under posts that do not take part in the Contest will not be taken into account by the Contest Committee.

5. The contest post will include information about where to find the contest rules.

6. Users can post any number of comments, but only one can be awarded.

7. Comments posted must not violate: applicable laws, third-party rights, principles of good manners, contain obscene or generally considered offensive content, and must also comply with the Instagram Rules and the Contest Rules.

8. The Organizer reserves the right to verify, at any time, posts for prohibited content, as referred to in paragraph 7 above, and if such content is found, to exclude the Participant who commits violations. The right to exclude the Participant also includes the right to deprive the Prizes. In such a case, the Participant has the right to file a complaint in accordance with the Regulations.

9. The decision may be appealed under the terms of the complaint described in § 8 of these regulations.

10. The Organizer has the right to exclude a Participant from participation in the Competition in the event of a breach of the Terms and Conditions.


1. People who take 10 prize-winning places in the Competition will receive from the Competition Organizers packages with a total value of PLN 1,500.00, including: the product "Royal black cravat", 3 pralines of the "Sowa" brand, a voucher to the groovy Joanna Mach store NIP 8133637290, ADDRESS ul. Włókiennicza 12/2u, 90-211 Łódź, and a voucher with a discount code for non-discounted models at , and in the Anataka showroom, ul. Jana Matejki 9, 91-402 Łódź .

2. The winner of the Contest will be notified of their win via a post with the results of the Contest, which will be published on 21.10.2024 on the profile . Further contact with the winners of the Contest will take place via private messages on their profiles via the official profile of the Anataka brand

7. In order to deliver the prize, the winner of the Contest will be required to provide the Organizer with the following data: shipping address, name and surname, contact number and email address. The data should be provided by sending a private message to The data should be provided within 7 days of the announcement of the results, otherwise the Participant loses the right to receive the Prize.

8. The prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or other prizes. It is also not possible to transfer the right to the prize to third parties. Each Contestant can only win one prize.

9. The prizes will be delivered by the founder within 30 days of providing the organizer with the data referred to in paragraph 7 above. The winner of the Competition loses the right to the prize in the event that:

a. refuses to accept the prize,

b. Contact with the Participant will not be possible due to reasons attributable to the winner of the Contest, despite two attempts to contact the Participant,

c. The Winner of the Competition does not meet the conditions of the Rules entitling him to participate in the Competition or receive a prize,

10. Prizes not awarded in the Competition for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, or those to which the winners of the Competition have lost the right for reasons indicated in these Regulations, will remain at the disposal of the Organizer.

11. The Organizer reserves the right to change the prizes if they cannot be awarded due to reasons beyond the Organizer's control. In such a case, the Organizer undertakes to award a prize of the same or similar value to the prizes listed above.


1. The personal data of the Participants will be processed by the Personal Data Administrator. The Personal Data Administrator is Anataka Sp. z o. o., ul. Jana Matejki 9, 91-402 Łódź, NIP 5342399232. Personal data will be processed in connection with the implementation of the Contest, pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR).

3. The recipients of the Participants’ personal data will be data processing entities that provide data processing services on behalf of and for the benefit of the Data Controller for the purposes of implementing the Contest.


1. Participants may submit comments to the Contest only of their own authorship. The Organizer reserves the right to verify entries at any time, taking into account the criterion of authorship. Participants ensure that the posts do not violate the rights of third parties, including the right to the image of a third party. In the event of violations of this provision, the Organizer is entitled to exclude the Participant who commits violations, at any stage of the Contest. The right to exclude the Participant also includes the right to deprive the Prizes. In such a case, the Participant has the right to file a complaint in accordance with the Rules.


1. Complaints regarding the course of the Competition may be submitted by registered mail to the correspondence address of the Organizer, indicated in §1, with the note "Complaint Competition -  AUTUMN COMPETITION WITH ANATAKA FASHION! ” but no later than 30 days after the end of the Competition.

2. The deadline for submitting a complaint is determined by the date of the postmark.

3. Only Participants have the right to submit a complaint.

4. A written complaint should include the name and address of the Participant submitting the complaint, as well as a detailed description and reason for the complaint.

5. Complaints are considered by the Organizer within 14 days of their delivery to the Organizer. The Participant will be notified of the Organizer's decision by registered mail sent to the address provided in the complaint.

6. Claims may be pursued in court only after the complaints procedure provided for in these Regulations has been exhausted.

7. The Organiser’s liability towards the Participant is limited to the value of the Prize.

8. The court with jurisdiction to decide on any matters relating to this Competition is the court of the plaintiff.


1. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code.

2. All information about the Contest contained in any promotional and advertising materials is for informational purposes only. The provisions of the Regulations are binding.

3. The regulations are available for the duration of the Contest on the Organizer's social media:

4. These Regulations enter into force on 10/10/2024